FDMC Summer Social BBQ ’24









Dear FDMC’er

Make sure our Summer Social BBQ night is in your diaries – it’s now on Tuesday, June 25th at The Mytchett Community Centre.  Please RSVP to Iain Morris by clicking here, and let him know whether you’ll be coming alone as Billy No Mates, with a partner of any description, other laggers on, sprogs and dogs.

Finally, a very polite reminder that entries remain open for our Summer Solo which takes place Sunday, 14th July at Bordon.  Click here to read the regs, enter the event and pay for your entry.

Posted by Geoff Wade, FDMC Media

Social: FDMC Christmas Social 23

This year’s FDMC Christmas Party will take place at the Plough & Horses on Tuesday, December 12th.  It’s free to Club Members and their partners.  The bar opens at 7pm and the free buffet starts around 7:30pm.

To book in, text Geoff Wade on 07488 269266, with your name(s), so we can plan for numbers and food.


Posted by Geoff Wade, FDMC Media