‘Solo – motorsport for everyone’: an AutoSolo, to use Motorsport UK’s official term, are low-cost, non-specialist events for road going cars, equally enjoyable for novices and experienced competitors.
An AutoSolo has a series of timed, all-forwards courses, on hard surfaces. The route is made as clear as possible, so you can focus on achieving your best time, not on remembering the way.
Compared to traditional AutoTests, the course doesn’t involve specialised techniques like spin turns, is usually longer, and can involve a bit more speed through the corners.
Cars must be taxed, insured, have an MOT certificate if their age requires, and be driven to the event.
Safety requirements are as for AutoTests, keeping entry fees low. Helmets and overalls aren’t needed but you will need an RS Clubman licence (for more information on the RS Clubman licence, click here) and to be a member of either the organising club or one of the “invited clubs” (which will be listed in the event regs).
As well as class awards, the Fastest Time of Day is for the lowest total time. FDMC also awards the Best Performance on Index, for which every class winner has a chance. This applies correction factors between the classes, from the results of our previous events.
To add interest for drivers, our events may include some optional variations in the route, on the last course. Which way is the fastest? You have to decide! Among the route marking techniques, pointer cones, lying on their side, show you which direction to drive. And because the results can be so close, FDMC’s events are electronically timed to an accuracy of 1/100 of a second.
FDMC’s annual Solo Challenge is our ‘in house’ championship, including every member who competes in any of our Solo events.
The inspiration for AutoSolos comes from the USA, where they’re mainly known as “Solo 2s” and/or “Autocross”, and in Canada, “AutoSlaloms”. A good starting point on the American scene is here, at the SCCA (Sports Car Club of America) website.
Copyright Farnborough District Motor Club Ltd, 1999 – 2022.