Lloyd Roberts Championship Rules

This annual Club Championship is named after one of the Club’s founder members and is open to all members. Points are awarded on FDMC events as follows:

ORGANISERS Interclub Event Points Clubmans Event Points
Clerk of the Course* 10 8
Secretary of Meeting* 10 8
Chief Marshal* 10 N/A
Entries Secretary* 10 N/A
Marshal 3 3

*Committee members acting in these capacities score half points only.

First o/a 10
Second o/a 8
Third o/a 6
1st in class 6
2nd in class 5
3rd in class 4
4th in class 3
All other competitors 2

Points will be awarded as stated in the event regulations.  Passengers and co-Drivers as stated in the event regulations score the same points as the driver.

To qualify for award of the Lloyds Roberts Trophy, members must compete in at least one event, and organise or marshal on at least one event during the calendar year. All events which involve competition in motor vehicles will count towards the Trophy.

In the event of a tie at the end of the year, the winner will be the contender who has the highest points scored as a signed on Official. In any dispute regarding allocation of points, the Committee’s decision is final.

If a round of the Lloyds Roberts Trophy is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, the organisers as named in the event regulations shall be awarded one point. Similarly, any member whose completed entry form has been received by a named Official prior to the closing date for acceptance of entries shall receive one point.

Copyright Farnborough District Motor Club Ltd, 1999 – 2022.