Results: September Solo 19

The Organising Team are pleased to announce the final results for the September Solo 2019 event, which took place on the 8th September at Bordon.

We were blessed to have perfect weather for the event. This helped as we had a full entry with a great mix of drivers.

I do want to take the time to say thank-you to the non-competing marshals & officials who worked hard to get all everyone signed on and through for all four test with some time to spare.

And the winners are:
Fastest Overall Michael Yates
Best on Index John Fox
Fastest Lady Emma Olsen
Best U18 Harry Nicholls

2nd U18 Thomas Eckett
1st in Class B Bob Milligan
1st in Class C Steve Conner
1st in Class D Sam Wright
1st in Class E Jim Bryant
1st in Class F Keith Pettit
2nd in Class B Alan Wakeman
2nd in Class C Aaron Roffey
2nd in Class D Luke Brough
2nd in Class E Tom Caldecourt
2nd in Class F Kacper Potyra
3rd in Class B Russell Higgs
3rd in Class C Philip Turner
3rd in Class D David Wright
3rd in Class E Greg Rogers

Results in PDF format:

FDMC September Solo 2019 Final Results

FDMC September Solo 2019 Class Results

We look forward to seeing you all again next year.

Best regards & thanks for your entry
Neil Brown on behalf of the Organising Team

Posted by: Geoff Wade, FDMC Media (E:

FDMC Event: Sprint Royale 2019

Welcome to FDMC’s Sprint Royale 2019, to be held at Eelmoor Driving Area, near Aldershot on Sunday 20th October.

LATEST: here are the Final Instructions and Entry List.

Here are the event regs: Sprint Royale Regulations 2019.  Click here (link deleted).then make your payment too by entering the driver’s name in the box (deleted).

Current entry list is here (this gets updated manually so your entry may not appear immediately).

Marshal registration form here.

This will be a qualifying round of the following Championships:

  – ACSMC Hamilton Motorsport Speed Championship
MGCC Speed Championship 2019
  – Sevenoaks & District MC Insite Graphics Speed League 2019
  – Sevenoaks & District MC Insite Graphics Pre 1980 Speed League 2019

We look forward to another great event, thank-you for your interest, the FDMC Organising Team.

Posted by Geoff Wade, FDMC Media