Event: Dimanche Sprint 2019

Welcome to the Dimanche Sprint 2019, our first of three Sprints for the year.

We are pleased to see that our friends from the MG Car Club and Sevenoaks & District Motor Club are back with their Championships, along with the return of the event to the ACSMC championship.

UPDATED: Final Instructions and  Entry List. 

Marshal registration form here.

Event regs: Dimanche Sprint Regs 2019 v1.

Online entry form *removed*.

Online payment form (enter the driver’s name in the box then click the “Pay Now” button to pay online using a card or paypal): *removed*.

Current entry list is *removed*.

We look forward to another great event, thank-you for your interest, the FDMC Organising Team.

Pics: Abingdon Solo 19

Some start line and paddock pics from the FDMC Abingdon Solo, 7th April 2019.

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”15″ display=”basic_imagebrowser”] 

Credit: Geoff Wade, FDMC Media.