Change of FDMC bank & what you need to do

An important message from our Membership Secretary, Paul Prescott:

You have received this message because currently my records show that you renew your FDMC subscription through a Standing Order that you have in place with your bank. If you haven’t heard already, Barclays Bank recently decided that they no longer want our business after many, many years. Towards the end of October this year they shut down our account. Consequently, the Club has had to set up a new account, and this is now with the Metro Bank. In order to prevent any of your future renewal subscriptions disappearing into a Barclays black hole, we need you to contact your bank as soon as possible, to amend your Standing Order.

The main FDMC account is now with Metro Bank is at 1 Southampton Row, LONDON WC1B 5HA. The new Account Name is Farnborough District Motor Club Limited  (or .. Ltd also works), Sort Code 23-05-80 and Account Number 50856739. PLEASE action this change to your Standing Order as soon as possible, for your benefit, as well as the Club’s.

It would also be helpful if you could email me at when done. Many thanks in anticipation.

Paul Prescott
Membership Secretary

Posted by Geoff Wade, FDMC Media

FDMC sign up to Motorsport UK’s Race with Respect initiative

FDMC are proud to sign up to Motorsport UK’s latest initiative, “Race with Respect”: 

Encouraging a positive environment, on and off the track

The National Governing Body’s Respect Code champions a high standard of behaviour from everyone within the motorsport community underpinned by our commitment to make motorsport an inclusive and safe sport for everyone, across all levels of motorsport. The Respect Code will help to grow and strengthen the sport by making it accessible and welcoming for everyone and we cannot stress enough how important it is that it is embraced by all participants. By participating in a Motorsport UK event, in any capacity, you are agreeing to follow the values of the governing body’s Respect Code:

          • Respect
          • Integrity
          • Fair Play
          • Self-control
          • Good Manners
  • We therefore ask all members to pledge to #RaceWithRespect and:
          • Contribute to a welcoming and friendly environment that ensures the safety and welfare of all participants
          • Always behave with integrity and uphold fairness in the sport; play your part in keeping the sport safe through your actions
          • Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or socio-economic background, language, religious or other beliefs, disability, sexual identity or other status
          • Recognise that we all represent the sport and therefore have a duty to be polite and respectful to all staff, officials, competitors, volunteers, as well as fans and supporters
          • Respect the rules, regulations and authority of the officials and Motorsport UK

    Whether you are a Competitor, Parent, Official, Marshal, Team Manager, Mechanic, Spectator or any other participant in the Event it is incumbent on us all to Respect our fellow participant and to ‘call out’ poor standards of behaviour. Breaching the above obligations may result in disciplinary action.

    More info in this PDF:  Race-With-Respect-Competitors-coc

    Posted by Geoff Wade, FDMC Media.