FDMC policy re Coronavirus (updated 17 March 2020)

FDMC statement: Our Club will continue to follow Motorsport UK’s guidance on Coronavirus and other policy areas.

Summary: “… Motorsport UK is suspending all organising permits and Certificates of Exemption until at least 30th April 2020. This suspension follows the latest guidance issued by HM UK Government in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. This position will be constantly reviewed given prevailing information”.

Read Motorsport UK’s latest announcement in full here.

Posted by Geoff Wade, FDMC Media



Results: Bramley Targa 2020

Courtesy of Simon Taylor, FDMC Competition Secretary:

Dear All, Drivers, Navigators, Marshals and Officials.

Final results are here: FDMC Bramley Targa Rally 2020 Results, with a tabs for Overall and by Class.  Congratulations to Ben Griffin, First Overall, winning by 8 seconds and he hit some cones too.

If you have any feedback for the event or the Club, please click here, be anonymous if you wish.  We will use this for the planning of our next event.

BIG THANKS to the volunteers and forty-four Marshals who came out and braved the cold.  Without you, events simply can’t happen, very much appreciated by all.

Posted by Geoff Wade, FDMC Media